The story revolves around Ben Mercado, a talented high school senior who has rejected his Filipino heritage. The long-simmering feud between Ben and his immigrant father Roland threatens to boil over and ruin the 18th birthday party of Ben's sister Rose. But to Ben's surprise, his sister's celebration challenges his sense of misplaced identity, and the way he regards his father and grandfather. In one night, Ben faces the true nature of his relationships with his family, his friends, and himself.Starring :
Dante Basco
Tirso Cruz III
Eddie Garcia
Gina Alajar
Darion Basco
Dion Basco
Derek Basco
Bernadette Balagtas
Joy Bisco
The video posted above reflects on the 3 values and the cultural stress that Filipino's as a well as similar cultures endure. The stress is the gap generation between Filipino's that come from the Philippines to those being born here.
Great blog! I like how you related it to the debut which definitely reflects on the 3 values of cultural stress.